Children's Product Safety Home

Toys contains 1074 products
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Date posted Product Company Dates sold Image View
06/10/2021 Children's Barhee Fishing Hero Toy Games Blue Star Trading collect at 917-300-8128 February 2021 through April 2021  3 images
04/19/2005 Children's Fishing Poles Zebco - 800-444-5581; Web site - August 2001 through March 2005.  N/A
12/31/2001 Children's Jewelry Sets Almar Sales Company Inc, (800) 251-2522, 17 West 37th St., New York, NY 10018 January 1994 through June 1998  N/A
02/16/2005 Children's Musical Drum Set Kids Station - 800-227-4772; Web site - August 2004 through December 9, 2004  N/A
12/28/2001 Children's Outdoor Water Toy Wham-O Manufacturing Co., Customer Service Department 7, San Gabriel, CA (800) 423-4174 1977 through November 1979  N/A
12/28/2001 Children's Play Tables Shelcore Inc., 347 Elizabeth Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873-1101; (800) 777-0453 March 1996 through March 1999  N/A
11/18/2003 Children's Plush Toys Neurosmith - 800-220-3669, ext. 1066; web site - August 2003 through October 2003  N/A
09/23/2003 Children's Puzzle Small World - 800-421-4135; web site - February 2003 through August 2003  N/A
11/30/2012 Children's Riding Toy Step2 866-860-1887; web site, January 2012 through August 2012  1 image
03/09/2005 Children's Stuffed Yarn Bunnies Ocean Desert Sales - 800-252-1931. February 2002 through March 2003.  N/A
12/28/2001 Children's Swim Masks Kmart Corporation, Troy, Michigan; (800) 63KMART (800/635-6278)   N/A
05/03/2007 Children's Take-Apart Townhouse Toys Small World Toys - 800-421-4153; Web site - December 2004 through February 2007.  1 image
03/19/2020 Children's Tool Kits Grizzly Industrial 888-615-7944; web site September 2002 through November 2019  4 images
12/27/2001 Children's Toy Brooms EMSCO Inc., Girard, Pennsylvania; (800) 458-0839; e-mail at April 2000 through February 2001  N/A
07/10/2007 Children's Toy Castles Infantino - 888-808-3111; Web site - January 2006 through May 2007.  2 images
10/12/2007 Children's Toy Decorating Sets Toys "R" Us - 800-TOYSRUS/869-7787; Web site - May 2007 through September 2007  2 images
10/26/2007 Children's Toy Gardening Tools Jo-Ann Stores - 888-739-4120; Web site - January 2007 through September 2007  1 image
12/31/2001 Children's Toy Jewelry AA of America, 908-613-8555 (collect); Almar Sales, 800-251-2522; Mermaid Internat'l, 800-876-7581 Through March 5, 1997  N/A
03/17/2006 Children's Toy Jewerly MTC-Man's Trading Company - 800-388-7228; Web site - July 2003 through December 2005.  1 image
09/27/2007 Children's Toy Rake JoAnn Stores Inc. - 888-739-4120; Web site - January 2007 through September 2007.  1 image
08/30/2005 Children's Toy Trucks Target - 800-440-0680; Web site - April 2005 through May 2005.  N/A
12/14/2007 Children's Toys Dollar Tree Stores - 800-876-8077; Web site - March 2007 through November 2007  3 images
05/29/2007 Children's Toys - Ball Ratles, Wrist Rattles, Wind-Up Toys Tri-Star - 510-856-8785. January 2005 through May 2007.  1 image
02/06/2004 Children's Toys - Pump Up Racers K'NEX Industries - 800-543-5639; web site - November 2003 through December 2003.  N/A
10/06/2009 Children's Toys, Purses and Pen Cases Daiso 888-580-8841; Web site March 2008 through May 2009  7 images
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