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Product Details

Product name Children's Toys - Pump Up Racers
Description The recalled K'NEX Pump Up Racers come in two models: the "Mud Bogger," which has a yellow car body and the "Street Shredder," which has a red car body. Both models have a date code beginning with 7803, which is located on the bottom of the air motor, directly under the name "K'NEX Industries, Inc." The toy cars come with a pump attachment that helps project the car forward. 
Problem The air motor in the toy cars can burst while being pumped up, causing parts of the motor or car to break off. Some of these parts can have sharp points and pose a risk of eye or laceration injuries. 
Distribution Nationwide at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and Target stores. 
Company K'NEX Industries - 800-543-5639; web site - 
Dates sold November 2003 through December 2003. 
Date posted 02/06/2004 

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