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Toys contains 1075 products
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Date posted Product Company Dates sold Image View
12/28/2001 "Power Drivers" or Buddy L" battery-powered children's riding vehicles Empire Industries, Tarboro, North Carolina; (800) 872-1869 July 1995 through December 1997  N/A
12/28/2001 "Power Drivers" or Buddy L" battery-powered children's riding vehicles Empire Industries, Tarboro, North Carolina; (800) 872-1869 July 1995 through December 1997  N/A
12/27/2001 Children's Toy Brooms EMSCO Inc., Girard, Pennsylvania; (800) 458-0839; e-mail at April 2000 through February 2001  N/A
12/31/2001 Precious Moments(R) Tender Tails(R) Stuffed Toys Enesco Corp, 800-632-7968; P.O. Box 499, Itasca, IL 60143-0499; May 1998 through August 1999  N/A
01/07/2002 Children’s stuffed animal toys on wheels Enesco Imports Corporation, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. January 1983 through March 1984.  N/A
01/04/2002 Toy Train and Music Box Enesco Imports Corporation, One Enesco Plaza, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007; (312) 640-5200. Since 1986.  N/A
08/25/2022 Kidoozie My First Activity Desk Toys Epoch Everlasting Play 800-631-1272; web page or January 2020 through July 2022  2 images
07/29/2022 Kidoozie' Play Tents and Playhouses Epoch Everlasting Play 800-631-1272; web site or March 2014 through March 2022  8 images
01/03/2002 Toy nursing bottles Esco Imports of Texas, Inc., San Antonio, TX 78210, call the firm at 1-800-445-3836 May 1982 to January 1991.  N/A
04/23/2002 Air Powered Rockets Estes Industries - 800-576-5811; web site - February 2001 through February 2001.  3 images
04/02/2007 Radio Control Airplanes Estes-Cox - 800-576-5811; Web site - December 2006 through February 2007.  4 images
07/25/2007 Radio Control Airplanes Estes-Cox - 800-576-5811; Web site - September 2005 through December 2006.  2 images
12/31/2001 Animal Shape Wagons Etna Products Company, Inc., New York, New York Catalog sales from October 10, 1993 and November 18, 1994. Retail toy stores from June 1993 through December 1993  N/A
12/31/2001 Wooden Toy Cars Etna Products Incorporated, New York, (800) 841-1007 1994 through March 1997  N/A
01/04/2002 Clown Dolls Etna Worldwide Corporation, New York, New York Banned July 7, 1989.  N/A
07/17/2009 Evenflo Switch-A-Roo Telephone Toys Evenflo 800-233-5921; Web site Between October 2008 and June 2009  1 image
12/09/2009 Evenflo ExerSaucer (R) 1-2-3 Tea for Me (TM) Activity Learning Centers Evenflo 800-233-5921; Web site: December 2007 through March 2009  2 images
10/12/2007 Toy Flashlights Eveready - 800-925-0628; Web site - September 2006 through October 2007.  1 image
01/04/2002 Baby Rattle with Whistle Everlast Industrial Company (U.S.A.) Ltd., 519 Eighth Avenue Lobby, New York, New York 10018. Refer to CPSC Hotline (800) 638-2772.  N/A
12/31/2001 Big Wooden Trucks Everything's A Dollar Incorporated, Wisconsin, (414) 274-2575 (contact Barb Bentz) Not provided  N/A
01/03/2002 Fish-Style Jolly Rattles (article 84567) Everything’s A Dollar Inc., 414-274-2938. November 1991.  N/A
12/31/2001 Toy Wooden Block Trucks Everything’s A Dollar, Inc., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1-414-274-2938 September 1991 to January 1992  N/A
12/27/2001 Excite Super Speeder II and Viper scooters Excite Ltd., Hong Kong; (888) 571-3731 August 2000 to December 2000  N/A
12/27/2001 Scooters Excite Ltd., Hong Kong; (888) 571-3731 August 2000 to December 2000  N/A
06/13/2011 Military Copters Excite USA 866-791-4754; Web site From January 2011 through May 2011  1 image
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