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Product Details

Product name “Cuddle Me Close” bedside cradles
Description The wooden cradle is for infants from birth to 3 months of age and attaches to an adult bed to keep the baby within arm’s reach. It is painted white and comes with four wooden legs. Each leg has three segments to adjust the height of the cradle. 
Problem The legs on the cradles can become loose and can separate, causing the cradle to tip. 
Distribution Nationwide through infant product catalogs, including One Step Ahead and Popular Club, and juvenile product stores, including Babies R Us and several small independent stores. 
Company Redmon (collect call), 765-473-6683; or write to W.C. Redmon Co., P.O. Box 7, Peru, IN 46970. 
Dates sold Since February 1998. 
Date posted 01/03/2002 

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