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Product Details

Product name "Hello Kitty(R) Birthday Lollipop" Whistles
Description The recalled whistles are red and were included in a plastic Hello Kitty figurine holding a pink heart-shaped lollipop. The whistle can be removed and used to make sounds by inhaling or exhaling through the mouthpiece. When closed, the figurine measures about 3 inches in height and width and 1 3/4 inches in depth. The whistle measures about 1 3/4 inches in height and width and 3/4 inches in depth. A picture of Hello Kitty appears on both sides of the whistle. The text "(C)1976, 2014 SANRIO CO., LTD. appears above Hello Kitty's face on the whistle, and "Made for McDonald's China CCW Chine" appears below Hello Kitty's face on the whistle. The bag in which the toy is packaged includes the text "Hello Kitty(R) Birthday Lollipop" and the number "6" in the upper right corner. 
Problem Components inside of the whistle can detach, posing choking and aspiration hazards to young children. 
Distribution Distributed exclusively at McDonald's restaurants nationwide with Happy Meals and Mighty Kids Meals. 
Company McDonalds 800-244-6227; web site 
Dates sold October 2014 through the first week of November 2014 
Date posted 11/10/2014 
Additional information For additional information, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission news release at 

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