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Product Details

Product name Magnet Games
Description The magnet games are made up of a black round base, measuring 2.5 inches in diameter, that is magnetic with about 60 small, multi-colored metal figures in the shape of butterflies, frogs or fish. Each unit is packaged in a triangle-shaped box with the following identification: Magnetic Butterfly Rainbow - Item No. 6652-16, Magnetic Frog Fantasy - Item No. 6653-16, and Magnetic Coral Reef Collage - Item No. 6654-16. 
Problem Paint on the magnets metal figures contains amounts of lead that exceed federal standards for children’s products. Prolonged exposure to high levels of lead presents a lead poisoning hazard to young children 
Distribution Sold at small toy and gift stores nationwide 
Company Safari Ltd., of Miami, Florida; (800) 615-3111 
Dates sold January 1999 through November 1999 
Date posted 12/28/2001 

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