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Product Details

Product name Wolverine, Spider-Man and Iron Man 2 Projector Flashlights
Description The recalled projector flashlights are about 6 1/2 inches in length and have the Wolverine, Spider-Man and Iron Man characters and names printed on them. The flashlights come with five extra mini discs that attach to the flashlight to project various images. The back of the package contains the number 16879-20012-003-1003 and UPC 6 39277 16879 5. 
Problem The flashlights can cause the batteries and/or bulb to overheat, posing fire and burn hazards to consumers. 
Distribution Dollar Tree, Dollar Bill$, Dollar Tree $1 Stop, Deal$ and Dollar Tree Deal$ stores nationwide for about $1. 
Company Dollar Tree Stores Inc. 800-876-8077; Web site 
Dates sold From August 2001 
Date posted 10/20/2010 

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