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Product Details

Product name Toy Golf Clubs
Description The "Par-Golf Toy Golf Clubs" being recalled have model numbers 721 and 723. These golf clubs bear a single staple which fastens the club rod to the handle. The toy golf clubs are packaged in pairs along with two golf balls on a cardboard backing labeled "Par Golf" and "H-G Toys." No identifying markings appear on the clubs or balls themselves. The clubs retailed from $1.50 to $2.50. 
Problem Due to faulty staple assembly, the club's metal rod may separate from its handle when swung and thus be propelled into anyone who may be standing in the rod's path, thereby causing injury 
Distribution Sold in specialty and variety stores nationwide 
Company H-G Toys, Inc., 750 Park Place, Long Beach, New York 11561 
Dates sold  
Date posted 12/28/2001 

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