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Product Details

Product name Peg Perego USA, Inc - Martinelli
Description Models - Primo Viaggio, Atlantico Systems, Atlantico Trek System SNG, Infant Car Seat, Pliko Travel System, Primo Viaggo, Primo Viaggo System. 
Problem The seats have a snap in the upholstery directly over the locking belt adjustment mechanism (A-LOC adjuster). When the upholstery is attached by the snap to the cover of the A-LOC adjuster, it may cause tension in the upholstery due to the weight of the child, which may prevent the complete engagement of the A-Loc adjuster and allow slippage in the harness restraints. These seats fail to comply with federal motor vehicle safety standard. In the event of a vehicle crash, the child may not be properly restrained. 
Distribution Various retailers nationwide 
Company Peg Perego - 877-737-3468 
Dates sold Manufactured between May 20, 2001 to and including February 15, 2002. The date of production and model number are located on a label on the child restraint system (child safety seat). 
Date posted 01/23/2009 

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