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Product Details

Product name "KVIBY" Chests
Description The recalled KVIBY Chests is white with 4 drawers and 6 glass knobs. The recall includes chests with article number 201-080-90 an a date stamp of 0817 (first two digits indicate the year; second two digits indicate the week) or earlier. The article number and date stamp are located on a label attached to the underside of the chest. KVIBY chests with a date stamp of 0818 and later have improved replacement knobs and screws and are not included in the recall. 
Problem The glass drawer knobs on the chest can break either during assembly or in use, posing a laceration hazard to consumers. 
Distribution IKEA stores nationwide for about $300. 
Company IKEA 888-966-4532; Web site 
Dates sold August 2007 through July 2008 
Date posted 09/30/2008 

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