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Product Details

Product name Scented teethers.
Description The teethers are hand and foot shapes in either pink or blue. Each teether has a hole in the center that serves as a handle. The teethers were sold under the name “T.P.I.” The words “AHI MADE IN CHINA” are embossed along the hole in the center of each teether. The front of the package in which the teethers were sold reads, in part, “CHILD GUIDANCE Scented Teether B771...” The back of the package reads, in part, “... 1993 REMCO BABY, a division of AZRAK-HAMWAY INT’L. INC. NY, NY. MADE IN CHINA.” 
Problem A substance in the teethers is reported to be toxic and an eye irritant to young children. 
Distribution Nationwide, primarily at Dollar Bill Stores. 
Company Remco, 800-243-2961. 
Dates sold November 1993 through May 1994. 
Date posted 12/27/2001 

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