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Product Details

Product name Baby Trend and Baby Express “Home and Roam” portable mesh-sided playpens
Description Baby Trend and Baby Express “Home and Roam” portable mesh-sided playpens in two sizes, 40 inches by 40 inches and 28 inches by 40 inches. The playpens come in a variety of colors and fabrics. The words “Home and Roam” and “Baby Trend;” or “Home and Roam” and “Baby Express” and appear on two of the four top rails. 
Problem The playpen may appear to be set up properly, if the top rails are not securely locked. If the playpen is not set up so that each top rail is securely locked into position, the top rails may collapse with an infant in the playpen. If the infant is holding the onto the top rail when it collapses, he or she may be caught by the neck and strangle. 
Distribution Nationwide at various retailers. 
Company Baby Trend, 800-234-1879. 
Dates sold 1992 and 1993. 
Date posted 12/26/2001 

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