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Product Details

Product name The Cosco GeobyTM Two Ways tandem strollers
Description The Cosco GeobyTM Two Ways tandem strollers being recalled are model numbers 01-644 and 01-645 (with car seat). The model number and manufacturing date are stamped on a label on the back of the leg frame, just above the wheel. The manufacturing date represents the week and year, in this case, from 0697 through 0698. “Cosco by Geoby” is written on the plastic side lock covers and “Two Ways” is embroidered on the front seat’s crotch support. 
Problem The plastic locks on the folding mechanisms can break during use, causing the strollers to suddenly collapse. If strollers collapse, babies can suffer injuries from the fall, including head injuries from hitting concrete sidewalks. The child’s hands or fingers can be cut if they are on the locking mechanism when the stroller collapses. 
Distribution Nationwide mass merchandise and juvenile products stores 
Company Cosco, 800-221-6736; web site - 
Dates sold Manufactured from February 1997 through February 1998 
Date posted 12/26/2001 

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