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Product Details

Product name “Pop-Up Playhouse” Toy
Description The “Pop-Up Playhouse,” model # 2306, is made of colorful fabric, supported by red or blue plastic tubes at all four corners. At the top of the playhouse, six yellow fiberglass rods form arches connected by metal sleeves. 
Problem If any of the tubes break, or for some other reason the tension is released, the playhouse parts can come apart and be forcefully and rapidly thrown or ejected from the toy causing serious eye or other injury to children or adults. 
Distribution Refer to CPSC Hotline (800) 638-2772. 
Company Fisher-Price, East Aurora, New York; (800) 334-5439. 
Dates sold Refer to CPSC Hotline (800) 638-2722. 
Date posted 01/04/2002 

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