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Product Details

Product name Spring N’ Bounce Car Toy
Description The “Spring N’ Bounce” is a plastic friction powered toy car with one of several spring-supported monster head figures located in the driver’s seat. Each assortment comes with individual playing features such as a clicking hammer and bouncing hood. The cars are approximately 4 inches long and 2 inches wide and come in a variety of colors. 
Problem The car wheels, hood, windshield frame and a hammer located on one of the varieties of this toy separated from the toy posing a choking hazard. 
Distribution Nationwide by Bargain Time, Britts, Elmore, McCrory, H.L. Green, Kress, McClellan, T.G.& Y., Silver Kittinger, Newberry Stores, G.C. Murphy and some independent variety stores. 
Company McCrory Stores, Inc. of York, PA. 
Dates sold Between August 1, 1989 and January 5, 1990. 
Date posted 01/03/2002 

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