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Product Details

Product name Funny Zig-Zag Copter and Wind-Up Circus Wagon toys
Description The Funny Zig-Zag Copter is a toy helicopter that has a propeller, a rotor, two wheels and is activated by a wind-up key located on the left side. The helicopter comes in an array of colors (yellow, blue, red) with a sticker of a clown in the cockpit. On both sides of the helicopter is a sticker that reads “Funny Circus.”. The Wind-Up Circus Wagon consists of a four-wheeled carriage towed by a pony with decals on both sides that have a picture of a clown and the word “CIRCUS”, a kitten with moveable arms playing a saxophone that makes a toot-toot sound, a little bear playing cymbals in beat with the saxophone, a monkey riding a giraffe, and a wind-up turn-key that activates the wagon when the switch located on the back of the wagon is turned on. 
Problem The wheels from the helicopter can separate creating a small parts choking hazard for young children. The saxophone, cymbals, arms, and hats can separate creating a small parts choking hazard for young children. 
Distribution Bargain Time, Britts, Elmore, McCrory, H.L. Green, Kress, McClellan, T.G. & Y., Silver, Kittinger, Newberry, G.C. Murphy stores and some independent variety stores. 
Company McCrory Corporation, York, PA. Contact McCrory Corporation toll free at 1-800-284-3704. 
Dates sold Wind-Up Circus Wagon - January 1, 1988 through December 21, 1990. Zig-Zag Copter - January 1, 1983 through December 21, 1990. 
Date posted 01/03/2002 

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