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Product Details

Product name “My First Push Toy-Funny Copter” toy helicopters
Description The helicopters are bright yellow, with multi-colored wheels and propellers. Three colored spinning disks are in front and a multi-colored spinning and rattling drum is in back. Inside the helicopter’s clear, plastic dome are colored beads and colored animal figures that spin around as the toy is pushed. 
Problem Colored beads inside the helicopter’s clear, plastic dome and pieces of the helicopter separated from the toy during routine U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission testing, presenting a potential aspiration and choking hazard to young children 
Distribution Sold in Puerto Rico 
Company Suarez Toy House of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, PR, 1-809-760-7070 
Dates sold December 8, 1992 through December 21, 1992 
Date posted 12/31/2001 

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