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Product Details

Product name Rolling Ball Rattle Teether
Description The flower-shaped rattle has blue turning petals and a round, rotating pink center. The base and handle of the rattle are yellow. The turquoise, rubber teething ring at the base of the handle also moves. The rattle is 6.5 inches long and is sold in a cardboard blister package. 
Problem The rattle handle may present a choking hazard for young children. The rubber ring is flexible enough to allow the rattle handle to fit down a child’s throat 
Distribution Baby's Mart, Caldors, Bradlees, Target, Pilgrim, Maxi Drug, Westside Pharmacy, and Tots Wear Company stores nationwide 
Company Sanitoy Incorporated, Mass., (800) 786-8595 
Dates sold April 1994 through December 1994 
Date posted 12/31/2001 

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